[Salon] Israeli Prison Guards Filmed Abusing Detainees; Prison Service Says It's a 'Routine Exercise' - Israel News - Haaretz.com

Let Israel be Israel, says NatCon Vance.

Israeli Prison Guards Filmed Abusing Detainees; Prison Service Says It's a 'Routine Exercise'

Photos and videos obtained by Haaretz show dozens of detainees lying on their stomachs in handcuffs, some without clothing, while a guard dog barks over them. No unusual incident took place in the prison to prompt the guards' actions

Meggido Prison, Friday morning.

Meggido Prison, Friday morning.

Israeli Prison Service personnel in the security wing of Megiddo Prison handcuffed and humiliated detainees on Friday morning, despite no unusual incident occurring in the prison.

Photos and videos obtained by Haaretz show dozens of detainees lying on their stomachs while handcuffed, some without clothes, as a guard dog barks over their heads. The Prison Service described this as a "routine exercise."

The Prison Service said in response that it "maintains an operational routine for the safety of the prison inmates and the public. In this case, too, in an operation that includes intelligence [gathering], soldiers of the 'Nachshon' unit...raided terrorist cells, searched them and seized assault weapons and prohibited materials." The service failed to present any of the assault weapons allegedly seized during the exercise.

In numerous cases, detainees and prisoners in Megiddo prison have reported being subject to violence and severe abuse by prison guards, including kicking, punching, blows to the testicles and other forms of humiliation. Since the outbreak of the war, Palestinian detainees in the security wing, as well as those with Israeli citizenship, reported being beaten by guards and being forced to sing songs, often while in handcuffs, as a form of humiliation.

Megiddo Prison, this morning.

Megiddo Prison, this morning.

"They take us to a 'blind spot' where there are no cameras, and 'welcome' new prisoners by giving them a beating," one of the prisoners testified in court in December. Detainees also reported being forced to wear the same clothes for weeks, only receiving new ones when another detainee is released, at which point they are given the departing inmate's old clothes, including underwear.

A senior member of the Prison Service confirmed in a conversation with Haaretz that the organization is aware of the severe violence directed at detainees and prisoners in Megiddo prison.


The Melancholy Donkey


A senior member of the Prison Service confirmed in a conversation with Haaretz that the organization is aware of the severe violence directed at detainees and prisoners in Megiddo prison.

If the Prison Service is aware of severe violence directed at detainees, and isn't stopping it and punishing the perpetrators, then it, and all of its senior leadership, are guilty of being accessories to serious crimes, and should be treated appropriately.

But, of course, no one will he held accountable. The detainees are just Palestinians, after all.




J***sus Ch***st

This is appalling. Total disregard for human rights. Total lack of moral standing.


the reckoning is coming.

The world has seen you.


The Other israel


When some israelis are detained by Palestinians they are called hostages, and their detention is a crime, a crime unparalleled since the Holocaust. BUT when tens of thousands of Palestinians are detained and placed in camps they are called terrorist and thus their torture is justified. BDS, BDS, BDS!!!




The prison service statement is revealing. "In this case, too, in an operation that includes intelligence [gathering], soldiers of the 'Nachshon' unit...raided terrorist cells, searched them and seized assault weapons and prohibited materials." The service failed to present any of the assault weapons allegedly seized during the exercise." First: Are we honestly to believe that in an Israeli prison like Megiddo, with its many layers of oppressive security, there was any risk that automatic weapons had been smuggled in? Are we expected to believe that? Second: They state that they "raided terrorist cells" - who charged these men with terrorism? When were the trials held and who decided the verdicts? It is not up to a prison service to act as police, prosecutor or judge, although we do know that they are not averse to acting as executioners.


Phil Linder


When I read this article, a particular thought cristalized in my mind. Israel is a failed state project and on medium to long term, it has no future. Al least not in its present form. It will collapse.


14:54Phil Linder

collapse or become a police state.


So why not call it the true name


This is a concentration camps and the people there are inmates and guards...




These are SS methods. Repulsive procedures.

But this is only the top of the iceberg. There is enough evidence that Palestinans are being tortured in Israeli prisons. Jewish supremacy in action. Reminds me of Abu Ghraib in Irak.

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